Word for Mac crashes and slow performance. Word does not respond when using 'Save as Picture' WordRake add-in causing Word for Mac to crash since upgrading to Catalina (OSX 15.0) Problems launching Word for Mac 2016 (Version 16.11) FIXED Issues affecting Word for Mac features and add-ins.

dnlGSFC wrote:

Install macos sierra.raw.bz2 google drive windows 10.

. All of this worked fine with Sierra. The crashes started immediately after upgrade.

Running Outlook 16.16 (latest available patch, although the problem occurred in previous versions. OS is High Sierra 10.13.6.


Outlook 2016 works just fine so long as you have applied all of the available updates from Microsoft.

To trouble shoot further you can:

Try a SafeBoot https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201262

Takes noticeable longer to get to the login screen as certain system caches, dynamic loader cache etc get cleared and

rebuilt and does a 5 minute disk repair before it loads up. This test will tell you if third party interference; extensions etc are not loaded in safe boot mode—loads only Apple extensions, which does not including display acceleration or third-party extensions.

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Sep 4, 2018 7:47 AM