ForInstalling coin3d for mac pro

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The Autoconf/Automake build system on Unix environments.

Before beginning using CMake, make sure that Coin3D is installed and that the QUANTA library named libquanta32.a is available. CMake is a program that. Before beginning using CMake, make sure that Coin3D is installed and that the QUANTA library named libquanta32.a is available. Additionally, make sure that the Coin3D libraries named and lib are also available. More importantly, make sure that these libraries appear in the same directory.

Before you start

This page describes the Coin3D Autoconf/Automake build system on Unixenvironments. Vmware view connection server certificate not trusted.

If you want to use Coin3D on a Windows platform, please refer to theCoin3D/Windows information page forinstallation instructions.

For information on using Coin3D on Mac OS X, please refer to theCoin3D/Mac information page

Download the source code (either from Mercurial or as tar archives) andinstall the prerequisites on your system (if necessary, for instanceOpenGL, Qt, ..)

Building Coin3D

  1. decide on where you want to install the header files and binarylibrary files. This directory will be referred to as installdir in thefollowing instructions.
  2. set up directories where you want to build the libraries:
  1. enter the build directory for simage, then configure, build andinstall. You might have to run make install as root, depending on theinstall directory you choose. Note to Mac users: You can run a commandas root by prepending the command line with sudo, such as sudo makeinstall and entering an administrator's password when prompted.:
  1. enter the build directory for Coin, then configure, build andinstall by doing:
  1. enter the build directory for the GUI binding library you will use,then configure, build and install by doing (as exemplified with SoWinhere):

Compiling the example programs (optional)

The SoGuiExamples module contains generic source code that can becompiled against any of the GUI toolkits, by specifying the toolkit like'--with-sowin' or '--with-soqt' for instance when running configure.

If you want to take a look at some of the example programs we'vewritten, build the SoGuiExamples module like this:

The examples will not be installed, so you need to execute them from thebuild directories.


Try running the configure scripts with --help first to see if there areany other options which are relevant for you on the system you want tobuild and install Coin.


If something bombed out during the build process of any of the Coin3Dcomponents, please let us know what happened and on what platform youtried to build Coin.
